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The Importance of Establishing a Pediatrician Early
Did you know that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends all expecting parents visit with a pediatrician during the third trimester of pregnancy? This is such an important step that will make your life easier and will keep you and your child healthy and in good spirits. You want to establish a solid relationship with a pediatrician before the baby is born. Whether you have questions about the baby, postpartum depression, or lactation, a pediatrician you trust will be able to help.
Expecting a baby is an exciting, scary, and stressful time for any parent. There are so many unknowns and this can make it a difficult time in an expecting mother’s life. This is why it is such a good idea to establish a pediatrician early in the process. In fact, it is recommended to visit with and establish a pediatrician before your baby is even born. In this article, we will walk through some of the important reasons why you should set up your pediatrician ahead of time.
Questions about the Baby
Did you know that most pediatricians offer the ability to schedule a prenatal visit? However, only about a quarter of first-time parents actually take them up on this offer. Do not skip this crucial step like so many other parents do. During this visit, you have the opportunity to ask any and all questions you may have. First and foremost, you can take some time to interview the pediatrician to make sure they are the right fit! Ask them about which insurance they accept, if they have any specialties, what their childcare philosophy is, and more.
In addition to asking questions about the pediatrician and their office, you can ask questions about your child as well. These questions can range from topics like what cribs to use to what car seats to use to vaccines, vaccine schedules, and their safety. In reality, you can ask your pediatrician any question that affects your health or your baby’s health.
Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression is unexpected for a lot of new mothers. Leading up to birth, you are so excited and anxious for the arrival of your baby, and once the baby is born, out of nowhere, you feel depressed. You may notice this in a variety of ways. Postpartum depression can present as trouble sleeping, fatigue, mood swings, and severe anxiety to name a few. While most new mothers experience some of these symptoms for a couple of weeks (called the baby blues), postpartum depression can last much longer and is more severe.
It is estimated that 10 to 20 percent of mothers experience postpartum depression. While the odds are in your favor that you will not experience postpartum depression, a large percentage of mothers still do experience it. This is why it is so important to have a plan in place with your pediatrician before the baby is born. You want to have a plan in place in case you experience postpartum depression. Untreated postpartum depression can last for many months, but a pediatrician will be able to help you get the help you need right out of the gate.
According to a CDC study, 83 percent of mothers breastfeed after birth. This number decreases to only 57% of mothers still breastfeeding six months later. Another study states that 60% of mothers who breastfeed end up stopping breastfeeding before they wanted to stop. Breastfeeding is completely natural, but it can also be difficult. This is just one more reason to talk with a pediatrician before the birth of your baby.
Many pediatricians have certified lactation consultants available to help. A lactation consultant can answer all your questions about low milk supply, trouble latching, breast pain, and more. In addition to answering your questions, they can offer tips to help you feed your baby and reduce discomfort. At Bright Future Pediatrics, we have International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC) standing by to help!
Bright Future Pediatrics has International Board Certified Lactation Consultants standing by, ready to help you to ease your breastfeeding anxiety and help you focus on taking care of your child.
Establish a Relationship
While a pediatrician will be able to help you with all your questions, it will only be worthwhile if you have a relationship with that pediatrician. If you are second-guessing what they say or do not think they are the best fit for you and your family, you need to find a new pediatrician. This is another reason why it is so important to start early in your search for a pediatrician. At Bright Future Pediatrics, we created a clinic as mothers for mothers. We know what it is like to have a child and what it is like to be a mother, so you can rest assured that we will do all we can to care for your child.
There are so many things to consider when having your child. You are already busy preparing your home, your body, and your wallet. You deserve a doctor who is specially equipped to walk you through the challenges of being a parent. Our pediatricians are trained to handle whatever life may throw at you and your child. We are currently accepting new patients, accept most major insurance, can schedule same-day appointments, and have Saturday appointment options as well.
If you have any additional questions about Bright Future Pediatrics or if you would let to schedule an appointment, give us a call today at 918-928-5437.